Downloadable Tarot Cheat Sheet


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Download our Tarot Card Cheat Sheet Bundle and dive headfirst into the ancient art of tarot reading. This extensive guide is your entryway into the mysterious world of tarot symbolism, whether you are a curious beginner or a dedicated seeker of knowledge.

Use the cards’ guidance to propel you forward on a path of profound personal growth. Get our package now and experience the tarot-like never before!

If you’re new to reading Tarot cards, you’ll find our downloadable Cheat Sheet Bundle invaluable. To make learning the tarot as simple and rewarding as possible, it includes a one-page reference with all the necessary keywords for each card.

Three pages are devoted to correspondences, so you can delve even deeper into the meaning of the Major Arcana. Use this comprehensive guide to the tarot as your starting point for a life-changing adventure.

Unlocking the Tarot Card Keywords

In our Tarot Card Cheat Sheet Bundle, we’ve compiled all the text keywords from each card onto a single, convenient reference sheet.

You can dive deeper into intuitive readings without feeling overwhelmed by the information presented here because of the clear and concise format.

Gain the self-assurance to read tarot cards honestly and reliably.

Delving into Major Arcana Correspondences

The Major Arcana cards represent the heart and soul of the tarot, with profound meanings that speak to the universality of the human condition.

Our set includes three pages specifically devoted to Major Arcana Correspondences, explaining the connections between these archetypal cards and other occult disciplines like astrology, numerology, and elemental associations.

Learn the meanings behind the tarot’s symbols and gain a deeper insight into the Major Arcana.

In what ways can you benefit from our Tarot card cheat sheet bundle?

All the important keywords for each tarot card are conveniently listed on one, printable page, so you can skip the hassle and time-consuming research associated with learning the tarot.

Designed with the newcomer in mind, this beginner’s guide to the tarot will help you quickly and easily learn the fundamental associations between the cards and their meanings.

Major Arcana Insights: Take your tarot readings to the next level by delving into the hidden meanings and esoteric knowledge of the Major Arcana through the use of specific pages devoted to correspondences.


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